New or Extended Garages

Policy EM1 - Extensions and Alterations Policy

Policy EM2 – Erection of New Buildings

Since the original designs for many of the Garden City homes, car ownership has widely increased. This increase brings pressure to accommodate vehicles within the confines of the property, which is often achieved through the construction of garages. Garages should not negatively impact on green streets, front gardens, hedges and trees.

When submitting an application for an extended or new garage the following principles should be followed:

  • The design of the proposed garage should be consistent with the original style and character of the home. This would include windows, doors, material finishes and colour of doors.
  • A proposed garage size should be a minimum of 3m x 6m in footprint to ensure they are of suitable size to accommodate a modern vehicle.
  • Proposed garages to the front of the building line will not be accepted as it is strongly preferred and promoted that the open and green frontage to properties are maintained.
  • Proposed structures, including roofs or gutters, should not overhang property boundaries. Should works extend beyond the property’s boundary, a separate EMS application will be required to be submitted from the owner of the neighbouring property. Applications can only be submitted for the land owned by the applicant.
  • Justification should be provided to demonstrate that the proposed or extended garage will not impact detrimentally on neighbouring properties or be visually prominent from a public place.
  • It is recommended that garage applications should be restricted to single storey. Should the adjoining garage be part of a two storey side extension please consult the Estate Management section on side extensions.
  • The colour of the garage doors would generally be expected to be white unless garage doors within the immediate vicinity of the site include other colours.
  • The garage should be designed with a flat roof. Parapets will be accepted, subject to the overall height being kept to a minimum and not exceed the requirements by Building Regulations.
  • Proposals must ensure that there they do not cause loss of day/sun/sky light or be unduly dominant from adjoining properties as a result of their overall scale and size.

Page updated: 8/04/2019

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