Fencing, Walls and Gates

Policy EM2  Erection of New Buildings

Boundaries are a key component of the infrastructure within Welwyn Garden City, helping to play a key part in defining character areas and complimenting many Garden City homes.

Any alterations to the front facing or visible boundary would require consent and need to adhere to the principles listed below:

  • All boundaries facing onto the highway should match the predominant frontage type of the street scene, in accordance with the original Garden City principles. Typically, this is soft landscaping and hedgerows
  • Boundary treatments to front facing elevations should be proposed at a low level to ensure front gardens are promoted.
  • Boundary treatments facing the street frontage are expected to be hedgerows unless otherwise justified.
  • Close boarded fences are not normally acceptable to residential frontages and those to the side boundaries visible from a public vantage point. These would be acceptable on rear/side garden boundaries only, which are not visible from a public vantage point.

Rear garden fences would not require Estate Management consent unless they face onto a highway or public space. Boundaries are unlikely to gain approval unless shown that the proposals do not have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the street scene or the wider amenities or values of the area.

Page updated: 8/04/2019

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